WFH - PowerBook G4

I didn't change out the Mac SE/30 for a couple of weeks, but for this week I dug out one of my favorite laptops, the Apple PowerBook G4. Back in the 00s I used a 15" PowerBook G4 and had access to the 12" iBooks, but never got to …

Working from home on the //c+

In honor of Apple's 44th birthday today, I decided to set up my //c+ as a terminal using my homebuilt wifi modem. Getting modem.mgr going was not fun, but once I read the manual and figured it out, I was good to go. The vt220 emulation didn't give me …

Assembling my Floppy Emu from Big Mess O' Wires

Back on February 1st I ordered a Floppy Emu from Big Mess O' Wires. The Floppy Emu emulates a floppy disk drive. Floppy disk images can be stored on the SD card and mounted from the Floppy Emu itself. This makes it a lot easier to transfer and...